2d aim game
2d aim game

2d aim game

You need to find safe vantage points on the map that allow you to increase your field of vision and field of fire, while decreasing those of your opponent. The chances are you won’t beat a young player if you meet them out in the open. If you’re hearing impaired, games such as Fortnite allow users to switch on visualised sound effects via the accessibility settings Photograph: Epic Games Mastering the field of vision Listening out for footsteps is a vital skill. Piecing all this info together allows you to build a dynamic mental map of the combat arena. And all modern shooters make enemy footsteps louder than friendly ones, so you know who’s nearby. For example, Call of Duty has a compass at the top if the screen which shows you what direction enemy fire is coming from. It’s important to combine this with other sensory info. If your team is all spread out and looking in different directions, it means there’s little direct engagement going on and you need to be very careful in the areas they’re not occupying because that’s likely where the other team members will be creeping about.

2d aim game 2d aim game

For example, if your squad is all bunched up and pointing in the same direction, you know they’re engaging the enemy – and maybe you can sneak around and flank them. By the location of your teammates, you’ll be able to work out where the enemies are. It’s vital, therefore, to use the map as a deductive tool. It’s likely your teammates will be shown as little dots or arrows, but your opponents will be invisible – unless someone on your team uses an ability to reveal enemy positions. Most first-person shooters give you a little mini-map display in the corner which shows what’s going on in the area around you. Unlike pure reflexes, spatial awareness is a skill all players can learn and improve. If there is a window, don’t run straight past it – you’re begging to be sniper fodder. When you enter a room, check the corners. When traversing the map, continually point your gun toward the area from which enemies are most likely to appear – ie doorways and windows. Once you’re comfortable, start moving inwards. You won’t get as many kills, but you’ll be limiting the number of angles you’re vulnerable from and you also won’t be running into a hail of gunfire every three seconds. If you’re playing a battle royale game, stick to the very edges of the active area, right on the cusp of the storm. When you’re learning a new map or game, try to stay on the outskirts, picking off enemies as they cross your vantage points. The centre of the map is basically the slaughterhouse where most encounters occur and where lightning fast reactions are required. For at least a few matches, walk everywhere until you get into the habit. When you sprint, you’re less aware of the environment around you, and it takes longer to get your gun into a firing position. Sprinting does have a role in shooters, but in very specific scenarios.

2d aim game

Whenever you respawn after getting shot in an FPS it’s really tempting to hit the sprint button so you can leg it straight back into the action.


A smaller display is the norm in eSports, as illustrated by pro gamer Michael “Shroud” Grzesiek playing Call of Duty at TwitchCon 2018 Photograph: Robert Reiners/Getty Images Stop sprinting

2d aim game